
FORCEP - Meeting in Penne

The roundtable 2 event titled "Unemployed Active Citizenship: Benefits & Ways of Activation" took place in Penne, Italy from April 3 to 5, 2024, as part of the FORCEP project under the European program CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT.

Roundtable 2 integrated a mix of structured presentations, dialogues, and cultural engagements focused on tackling unemployment and advocating for active citizenship.

Day 1 commenced with the arrival of participants between 10:00 and 15:00, followed by a city tour from 15:30 to 17:00. This initial activity served as both an orientation and an opportunity for participants to familiarize themselves with Penne's cultural and historical context. The day concluded with an intercultural dinner from 18:00 to 19:00, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and networking among the attendees.

The second day began with registrations from 10:00 to 10:30. Official greetings were delivered by the mayor of Penne and project leaders from 10:30 to 11:00, setting the stage for the day's sessions. The first formal session from 11:00 to 11:30 involved a presentation on labor market challenges faced by enterprises and workers, featuring case studies from the textile and internationalization sectors. This was followed by a discussion from 11:30 to 12:00 on the evolving roles of Job Centres and the EURES network.

A coffee break from 12:00 to 12:30 allowed participants to engage in informal discussions. From 12:30 to 13:30, a focused discussion addressed employability issues, providing a platform for stakeholders to voice concerns and propose solutions. A lunch break from 13:30 to 14:30 provided further networking opportunities.

The afternoon session from 14:30 to 15:00 explored the role of universities in higher education and technology transfer, emphasizing the alignment of specialist skills acquisition with employment. Distinguished speakers included Professors Pierluigi Sacco, Alessandro Crociata, and Stefano Cianciotta from the "G. D'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, who provided insights into cultural and behavioral economics and strategic analysis.

From 15:00 to 15:30, challenges faced by employer organizations were discussed, with contributions from Dr. Luigi Di Giosaffatte, Director of CONFINDUSTRIA Abruzzo, and Mr. Riccardo Padovano, President of CONFCOMMERCIO Abruzzo. This was followed by a session from 15:30 to 16:00 on the role of the Abruzzo Region in promoting employability, featuring regional councilors Lorenzo Sospiri and Leonardo D'Addazio.

The next session from 16:00 to 16:30 focused on the European Social Fund Plus's challenges in active labor policies, with insights from Dr. Renata Durante, Director of the Abruzzo Region. The day's formal activities culminated in a roundtable from 16:30 to 17:30, where participants discussed employment challenges and the active involvement of citizens and stakeholders in shaping future EU policies.

A city tour from 17:30 to 19:00 allowed participants to relax and explore Penne further. The day concluded with a dinner at 19:30, providing additional opportunities for networking and informal discussions.

The final day began with a visit to the Lago di Penne nature reserve and city museums from 10:00 to 12:30, highlighting the region's natural and cultural heritage. This was followed by a reflections session from 12:30 to 13:00, where participants consolidated insights and formulated proposals for enhancing municipal networks. The meeting concluded with a lunch at 13:30, marking the end of a productive and insightful gathering.

The roundtable in Penne successfully facilitated a comprehensive exploration of unemployment and active citizenship. Through a combination of expert presentations, collaborative discussions, and cultural immersion, participants were able to exchange knowledge, identify best practices, and develop strategies to enhance employability and civic engagement across Europe. The event underscored the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration and the role of local and regional initiatives in addressing complex socio-economic challenges.


EDS - Meeting in Penne


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