
FORCEP - Meeting in Kalnik

The 1st workshop (roundtable) titled "Unemployed Active Citizenship: COVID-19 Effects, Labour Market Changes, and Opportunities," organized under FORCEP Project No: 101054252 and part of the CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT call, was held from March 23 to 25, 2024, in Kalnik, Croatia.

The event commenced with participant arrivals, setting the stage for a focused exploration of unemployment challenges amidst COVID-19 and opportunities for active citizenship across Croatia, Slovenia, and Greece. Welcoming greetings and presentations on the local unemployment and active citizenship situation in Croatia provided context and initiated discussions on regional dynamics.

Day two began with formal registrations and welcoming speeches from the Mayor of the Municipality of Kalnik and project leaders, emphasizing collaborative efforts in addressing unemployment issues. Presentations followed, highlighting specific challenges and case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, and Greece, which served to enrich understanding and foster comparative analysis.

A lecture by the Croatian Employment Service on "Employment and Labour Issues" deepened insights into national strategies and responses. Subsequent discussions brought together participants from all countries to brainstorm common challenges and propose innovative solutions, promoting cross-border learning and cooperation.

The afternoon session featured a speech by a local representative on "Local and Regional Authorities' Policy Adjustments due to COVID-19," underscoring adaptive governance strategies amidst pandemic-induced economic shifts. This was followed by a round table and breakout sessions focusing on the pandemic's impact on the EU economy, sectoral disparities, and successful practices in response.

A workshop on "Measures to Meet the Needs of EU Citizens: Community and Democratic Values" highlighted initiatives promoting citizen engagement, exemplifying best practices from Romania. These sessions encouraged robust dialogue and knowledge-sharing, aiming to bolster resilience and democratic participation in post-pandemic recovery efforts.

Day three included a city tour and dedicated reflection time, allowing participants to consolidate insights gained and formulate actionable outcomes. Throughout the workshop, scheduled breaks and networking opportunities facilitated meaningful interactions, fostering a collaborative atmosphere conducive to effective knowledge exchange and partnership building.

The workshop exemplified an academic approach to addressing complex socio-economic challenges, emphasizing cross-national cooperation, policy innovation, and community resilience in the face of transformative global events like COVID-19. By leveraging diverse perspectives and sharing best practices, FORCEP continues to advance its mission of forwarding democratic EU participation and fostering inclusive growth across member states.


EDS - Meeting in Kalnik


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