
FORCEP - Meeting in Siatista

The 3rd study visit titled "Raise Your Voice: Unemployment in the Centre of Europe," held from November 13 to 15, 2023, across Thessaloniki and Siatista, Greece, represented a comprehensive exploration of unemployment issues within the European context, emphasizing the role of democratic participation and e-Democracy in shaping policy and civic engagement.

The event began in Thessaloniki with the primary objective of facilitating profound engagement and knowledge exchange among participants. Following registration, Mr. Ioannis Vanidis, President of the Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute, delivered welcoming remarks. His address centered on empowering democratic participation and underscored the critical role of unemployment in shaping EU policy. The focus was on creating a platform for robust discussions and insights into addressing socio-economic challenges through collaborative efforts and policy innovation within the EU framework.

Speakers such as Ms. Dimitra Fantidou and Ms. Alkistis Margka provided critical insights into leveraging e-Democracy and reconstructing civic life to address unemployment challenges effectively. These sessions were complemented by workshops where participants shared best practices from partner cities, aiming to develop inclusive policymaking strategies.

Day two in Siatista featured round table discussions on "Digital Tools for Democratic Engagement" and "Strategies for Building Resilient Communities," fostering collaboration and generating actionable plans. A cultural evening further facilitated networking and cultural exchange among attendees, enriching the participatory experience.

The final day included a study visit to the Municipality of Voio and Western Macedonia's decision-making departments, allowing participants to interact with local policymakers and explore initiatives tackling unemployment. The event concluded with a reflective session and the formulation of action plans, reaffirming the commitment to enhancing EU policies through informed civic engagement.

The decision to prioritize this study visit before subsequent events underscored strategic considerations, including participant availability and logistical feasibility. By reordering the sequence, the project maximized stakeholder engagement and operational efficiency, ensuring the timely achievement of project milestones.

Overall, the "Raise Your Voice" study visit exemplified a rigorous academic approach to addressing unemployment within the European context, emphasizing collaborative strategies and innovative solutions to promote active citizenship and policy influence.


EDS - Meeting in Siatista


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