
FORCEP - Kick-off meeting in Thessaloniki

The FORCEP project, under Project No: 101054252-CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT, convened its Kick-off Meeting on December 16, 2022, at the Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute - Fifty-Fifty, located in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The meeting initiated with participant registration and coffee, providing an opportunity for attendees to network and settle in before the formal proceedings.

The session began with the introduction of the FORCEP project partners. The consortium comprises the Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute – Fifty-Fifty (Coordinator, Greece), Drustvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Slovenia), Asociatia A.S.E.L. RO (Romania), Comune di Penne (Italy), West-Pannon Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary), Municipality of Kalnik (Croatia), and Municipality of Almoradi (Spain). This diverse partnership underscores the project’s commitment to fostering collaboration across multiple European regions.

Following the introductions, an overview of the FORCEP project was presented, detailing the project’s timeline, key milestones, objectives, important deadlines, and review stages. This comprehensive outline ensured that all partners were aligned with the project’s strategic direction and understood their roles and responsibilities in achieving the project’s goals.

The subsequent session focused on the nine work packages and eleven thematic events that constitute the core of the FORCEP project. This discussion highlighted the desired outcomes for each work package, the quality standards to be maintained, the materials required for the events, and the expected impact on the target communities. By setting clear expectations, the session aimed to ensure that all activities would contribute effectively to the project's overarching objectives.

Following the lunch break, the meeting reconvened with a session dedicated to communication, dissemination, and evaluation strategies. This segment of the kick-off meeting encompassed discussions on the project's communication goals, dissemination strategies to ensure wide reach, quality standards to maintain, task distribution among partners, and the timeline for achieving key milestones. Effective communication and dissemination are crucial for amplifying the project's outcomes and ensuring they have a meaningful impact on policies and practices.

The final session of the day was dedicated to evaluation, providing an opportunity to reflect on the discussions, assess the initial plans, and ensure that all partners were aligned on the next steps. This session was crucial for setting a solid foundation for ongoing collaboration and continuous improvement throughout the project’s lifecycle.

The FORCEP Kick-off Meeting successfully established a clear and cohesive plan for the project’s implementation. By fostering a collaborative environment and setting clear objectives and standards, the meeting laid the groundwork for the FORCEP project’s efforts to enhance democratic participation across Europe through innovative and impactful initiatives.

EDS about the meeting


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