
Vas County North Employment Pact

The project was successfully finished.

Short summary

Today, employers in the Kőszeg, Sárvár and Celldömölk districts are facing an increasing challenge in finding skilled workforce, which is already an obstacle to the development of enterprises and thus to economic growth. Involving the right workforce, disadvantaged workers, requires a local partnership network and coordinated activities in which governmental, municipal, economic and employment development actors come together and coordinate their interests and opportunities for a common goal. In this way, local businesses receive tangible help for the developments, as well as to meet labour needs.

The long-term objective of the project is to involve disadvantaged workers in the region through targeted training programmes based on local entrepreneurial needs, thus helping to ensure suitably qualified workforce by cooperating with municipalities, employers and training institutions. Its immediate goal is to reduce the shortage of skilled labour of the companies operating in the districts.


Expected results

The following tangible results will be realized by the end of the project:

We involve 398 people in labour market programmes

174 people will get a job, of which at least 40 will remain in employment at the end of the 6 months following the grant,

We provide training for 100 people.


Lead partner: Municipality of the City of Kőszeg

Consortium partners: Vas County Government Office, West Pannon Nonprofit Ltd. and Vas County Local Government

Facts and figures:

Call for proposals: Local Employment Cooperation (TOP-5.1.2-15) - Regional and Settlement Development Operational Programme

Duration: 1st January 2017 – 31st December 2020

Grant awarded: HUF 614,000,000

Official website of the project: under development



Breznovits István
Breznovits István
Kovács István
Kovács István