TransHUSK Plus
The KTI Non-profit Ltd. and the Inštitút Priestorového Plánovania were granted support in 2011 for the implementation of the TransHUSK project. In this context, the strategically significant activities were identified whose development can help the enhancement of the role of cross-border public transport the most. Based on the results of the project, the partners have developed a new joint project for the implementation of which they were also granted the support of the Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013. In addition to the former 2 project partners, the West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Ltd. also participates in the implementation of the TransHUSK Plus project.
The overall objective of the TransHUSK Plus project is to map the situation of intermodal links among the Hungarian-Slovak cross-border means of sustainable transport and explore the possible development potentials. The project also examines the possibilities of the access to information on environmentally friendly means of transport. During the implementation of the project, the partners work out proposals for the development of intermodality and information services.
Based on the results of the studies, the project‘s objective is to establish an information web portal providing easy access in one place, both in Hungarian and Slovak, to information on the available public transport and cycling services (schedules, fares, transit, bike transport, bike rentals and storages, maps, accessible destinations and tourism-related information) across the border and in the border region. The portal offers an opportunity for travel planning and map display at the same time.
Furthermore, they also propose specific investments based on the feasibility studies. These promote the interconnection of public transport and cycling (eg. bicycle routes leading to stations, bike storage). The GYSEV Zrt. also takes part in the project as a strategic partner in addition to the 3 other partners.