
SMART Pannonia

This project was successfully finished on 31/03/2022.

Short summary

The aim of SMART-Pannonia project is to develop community transport of Austrian-Hungarian border region as a ‘functional region’ in a sustainable and smart way, along the common interests of both member states. The cross-border mobility in almost all regions of the programme area faces with considerable challenges, which can be managed only in a cross-border way. Therefore, the key objective of the project is to develop efficient and sustainable, common cross-border transport cooperation in order to strengthen sustainable mobility both on local and on regional levels as well.

The main outputs of the project – i.e. establishing cross-border transport platform connecting service providers, applying solutions facilitating smart mobility, introducing intermodal cycling measures and supporting cross-border railway planning activities – have significant added value for the entire population of the programme area and for almost all travellers. They increase the sustainable interoperability of the border region, which has an important multiplicative economic impact.

The innovative approach of the project is signified by establishing the cooperation between the community service providers and decision makers (transport platform) in a cross-border way, which is based on decades of experience in this field of the Viennese project partner VOR; applying innovative smart mobility IT solutions; implementing the new level of the sustainable transport in a cross-border way.


Lead Partner:

West-Pannon Regional and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)


Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurt Railway Corp. (HU)

Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland GmbH (from 01.01.2022) – Burgenland Mobility Centre (AT)

Regional Government of Burgenland (AT)

VOR – Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region GmbH (AT)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (HU)

Transport Infrastructure Burgenland Ltd. (AT)

Strategic Partners:

Centre for Northwest Hungarian Transport (HU)

Hungarian Cycling Alliance (HU)


Facts and information

Programme: Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Austria-Hungary 2014-2020

Lead Partner: West-Pannon Regional and Economic Development Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)

Project duration: 01. 01. 2016 - 30. 06. 2021

Amount of ERDF co-financing: 2 635 659,11 EUR

Total budget of WESTPANNON: 326 852,00 EUR