Recom HU-AT
This project was successfully finished on 31/12/2014.
Regional Cooperation Management
RECOM is a joint project of regional development organizations with years of experience in cross-border cooperation. It aims to strengthen the acceptance of cross-border activities, promote the awareness for cooperation and deepen cooperation among regions on both sides of the border. RECOM intends to support the successful implementation of ideas and initiatives planned with and among the regions. RECOM is also regarded as the platform of cross-border exchange of experiences and regional cooperation management.
Under the strategic project of the Hungary-Austria ETC program, on behalf of the West Transdanubian Regional Development Agency, we support the participating counties, provinces, ministries and other partners in their preparation for the 2014-20 programming period. Our professional activities operated from October 2012 to December 2014, during which we carried out the following tasks:
- organization of professional and thematic meetings;
- preparation of the situation analysis of the Western Transdanubian Regional Development Strategy (November 2012)
- development of the Western Transdanubian Regional Development Strategy (May 2013)
- creation of Cross-Border Strategic Guidelines (November 2013)
- identification, coordination and active support of 8 strategic project initiatives (August 2014)
Lead partner: Regionalmanagement Niederösterreich (Regional Management of Lower Austria)
West Transdanubian Regional Development Agency
Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH (Regional Management of Burgenland)
Land Steiermark – Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung (Styrian Provincial Office, Department 16)
Magistrat der Stadt Wien MA 27 (Director-General Vienna City Magistrate Department 27)
Available materials:
„The RECOM HU-AT 2014 (Regional Cooperation Management HU-AT 2014) project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Austria-Hungary Cooperation Program 2007-2013, as well as Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria, the city of Vienna and Hungary.“