

This project was successfully finished on 30/06/2019.

LENA´s main objective is to strengthen joint and integrated approaches and policies for the conservation and sustainable use of protected areas, in particular Natura 2000 sites, along the Danube and its tributaries, while creating new income opportunities in the nature-based economic sector and upscaling impacts across the region. This will contribute to conserving, protecting and developing natural heritage in the region by

  1. gaining the buy-in of local stakeholders to nature conservation,
  2. empowering local entrepreneurs to profit from natural heritage sites in a way that protects natural resources,
  3. creating shared know-how about effective sustainable use approaches for protected areas, and
  4. shaping policies for a better enabling framework for sustainable use of protected areas.






LP: Association WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature, Danube-Carpathian Programme, Bulgaria

ERDF PP01: Belene Municipality, Bulgaria

ERDF PP02: Ivanovo Municipality, Bulgaria

ERDF PP03: Vukovar-Srijem County, Croatia

ERDF PP04: Westpannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd, Hungary

ERDF PP05: WWF Hungary, Hungary

ERDF PP06: Danube Office Ulm & Neu-Ulm, Germany

ERDF PP07: City of Tuttlingen, Germany

ERDF PP08: Comana Natural Park Administration, Romania

ERDF PP09: Giurgiu County Council, Romania

ERDF PP10: WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme Romania, Romania

ERDF PP11: Business Support Centre Ltd, Kranj, Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska, Slovenia

IPA PP1: GMO-Free Danube Soya, Serbia


Facts and information

Programme: INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme

Project Duration: 01/01/2017 – 30/06/2019 (30 months)

Total amount of project: 2,456,290.72 €

Total budget of Westpannon: 204,650 €