

Brief summary

A large-scale development can occur in Kõszeg in the period between 2014-2020, known as the KRAFT program, which is basically a complex development process and program based on local actors‘ creativity. Our assignment set the basis for the KRAFT-based development process: our aim between December 2013 and May 2014 was to introduce the development potential of the Kõszeg-Szombathely region via conducting a study.
The analysis presented the KRAFT methodology, the examined factors, and the main conclusions of the primary and secondary analyses. Through analysing statistical data, the creativity-based assessment of the Kõszeg-Szombathely region was presented, into which we integrated the extremely useful results of focus group discussions and personal interviews. At the final stage of the study, we complied findings and recommendations that allow the KRAFT-based development to generate an indeed successful development process, thus serving the development of Kõszeg and its region.


Vasi Könyvjelzõ Bt. (9730 Kõszeg Bercsényi u. 18.) and the Savaria University Press Alapítvány (9700 Szombathely, Károlyi Gáspár tér 4.)


Available materials:

“Creative town-sustainable countryside” the KRAFT-based territorial analysis of the Kõszeg-Szombathely region



Facts and figures

Project duration: study writing between December 2013 and 31st of March 2014