
ICC - IronCurtainCycling

The project was successfully finished.

The geographically, ethnically organic SI-HU CBC region was divided for long by the Iron Curtain enforcing the borderlines set after World War II. Relations faded, municipalities came to a social, economic decline. The CBC region offers great opportunities for bicycle tourism, which might be the breakout point in the rural area. Several projects have already aimed this goal, however a connected and signposted bicycle road network covering the whole region and a complex biker-friendly offer built on this network has not yet been achieved. Realising this, a CBC partnership of 4 Hungarian and 3 Slovenian partners (lead: Zala County Government) will launch the project (in the area of Lenti, Letenye, Õriszentpéter, Szentgotthárd, Murska Sobota, Ptuj, Ormo¾, Ljutomer, Lendava). Our goal is to develop a complex CBC cycling destination through intertwining local, regional cycling routes connecting to EuroVelo13, being the main north-south axis of the region, and through developing cycling friendly services and supplementary tourism supply with the aim to integrate the area into the international system of EuroVelo.


Main activities:

  • Signposting the SI-HU section of EV13, the connecting regional bicycle routes and Iron Curtain sites.
  • Establishing a cycling connection providing a new border crossing point.
  • Improving cycling-friendly services: cycling centres, e-bike chargers, biker-friendly accommodation, joint map and mobile app, thematic routes and tourism packages
  • Establishing an Iron Curtain historical site
  • Organizing knowledge transfer events; awareness raising (e.g. workshops, „biker-friendly services” and visitor management booklet)
  • Events (e.g. ICC Day cycling festival, Green Belt family day, EV13 conference)
  • Other promotion (e.g. ICC stamping system, online campaign, branded souvenirs).


Through these activities the project will contribute to the diversification of cross-border tourism supplies and to the development of sustainable, common tourism services.



Lead partner:

  1.  Zala County Government

Project partners in the program area:

  1. Znanstveno raziskovalni središèe Bistra Ptuj
  2. Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Murska Sobota
  3. Vas County Government
  4. West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd.
  5. Obèina Lendava

Project partners outside the program area:

  1. Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztõ Ltd.


Facts and informations:

Programme: Cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

Lead Partner: Zala County Government

Project duration: 08/15/2017 – 02/14/2020 (30 months)

Total amount of project: 2 291 423 EUR

Total budget of Westpannon: 115 075 EUR

Webpage of the project: