The project was successfully closed.
In a time when we are faced with complex political and humanitarian crises due to COVID-19 and wars, as well as with the shrinking of civil society space worldwide, we need a renewal of our firm commitment to upholding human rights and supporting democratic values, in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this context, the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy points out that the EU cannot face these challenges alone and democratic transitions cannot succeed unless they are rooted in local realities. This is why this project proposal focuses on empowering local actors and civil society organisations.
What is the project about? The European Human Rights Network of Towns (EUHRENET) aims at involving a wide range of decision-makers, human rights activists and European citizens from different social and professional backgrounds to foster a civic debate and an open dialogue between them, acting to develop sustainable public-private partnerships to counter discrimination and exclusion in Europe. Fostering participatory democracy and human rights, the European Human Rights Network of Towns will be working together with citizens and civil society on inclusive strategies for further development and implementation of local policies based on the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights.
We represent as many as 12 towns of 12 different EU countries, supported by associated partners from 3 other EU Member States, and we together stand for diversity and inclusion at local and European levels. With this network, we want to address the growing need to consolidate local resources and hear from the local citizens about their needs and challenges to enjoy their human rights, the project will contribute to the development of new local civic activism groups and networks, promoting human rights, diversity and inclusion.
Topics of the project: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy • Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law) • International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation
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Lead partner
Municipality of Torres Novas (PT)
Project partners
Municipality of Bistrita (RO)
West Pannon Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
Gain & Sustain (AT)
European Initiatives Society (POL)
Municipality of Kalnik (HR)
Municipality of Rafal (ES)
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (SLO)
Genista Research Foundation (MT)
Sdruzeni SPLAV, z.s. (CZ)
Facts and information
Project title: European Human Rights Network of Towns
Project acronomy: EUHRENET
Programme: CERV
Project Duration: Start: 01-06-2022 / End: 30-09-2023
Total amount of project: 171 210,00 EUR

Bejczy Delinke