This project was successfully finished on 31/07/2023.
EU CYCLE aims at improving performance of 4 policy instruments addressed through interregional learning and regional action planning. It will thereby contribute to better quality cycling projects, to raise share of cycling in target regions via improved policies and state-of-the art solutions, with a higher impact on decarbonizing transport.
The common challenge lies in the fact that although cycling related projects were supported by approximately €0.6bn EU subsidies between 2007–2013, good practices were not shared and knowledge about them is unevenly distributed in regions involved, so not taken up by their policy instruments. Since MAs, regional stakeholders and potential project holders aren’t aware of good practices and of advantages of potential adaptation, lack of knowledge decreases interest in developing cycling projects and risk that the €166,1M allocated for cycling in the policy instruments addressed are spent effectively.
Partners, all previously involved in INTERREG projects on different subtopics – regional cycling, cycling tourism, urban cycling, intermodality, urban-rural connections, territorial cooperation in cycling – have decided sharing their experiences to increase capacities of using available funds fully and in an efficient way for quality cycling projects.
Partners’ relevant experiences in the six subtopics will be shared, jointly analyzed and fed into the Programme Policy Learning Platform. Partners will work with regional stakeholders on adapting experiences learned in four Regional Action Plans, improving their policy instruments’ results. An Integrated Cycling Planning Guide will be jointly elaborated to summarize best solutions in technical aspects of cycling.
EU CYCLE will increase capacities both on the governance side of policy instruments and on the side of potential beneficiaries to develop and realize projects.
Lead partner:
West-Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
Project partners:
European Cyclists’ Federation asbl | ECF (BE)
Association of Bialystok Functional Area (PL)
Facts and information
Project duration:
Phase 1: 01/08/2019 – 31/07/2022 (36 months)
Phase 2: 01/08/2022 – 31/07/2023 (12 months)
Total budget: €1,060,181
Total budget of Lead partner: €320,050 EUR
Project EU CYCLE is implemented within the frame of INTERREG Europe Programme, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Hungarian State.

Polgár Tibor

Aradszki Zsombor