

This project was successfully finished on 31/12/2014.

A Cross-border Accessibility-based Raster Spatial Analysis Model HU-AT

The Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Department of the Lower Austria Provincial Government Office has been using the ERRAM model (accessibility-based, raster spatial analysis model) for years.

Due to the increase in the number of cross-border relations, the model will be extended. For this purpose, the Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Department of the Lower Austria Provincial Government Office established the „ERRAM Cross Border" initiation, whose aim is to develop a cross-border accessibility raster analysis model for the Lower Austrian border regions.

As part of the initiation, a cross-border accessibility model covering the regions will be developed in the entire Lower Austrian-Bohemian-Slovak-Burgenland–Hungarian regions.

ERRAM HU-AT lays emphasis on the so called raster based modeling, whose results help decision-making with presenting the correspondences of the processes and trends. That is, the aim is not to browse a static condition – in a given case hypothetical – but to follow dynamic processes.

The project aims to:

  • expand the already existing Austrian ERRAM model across the border, upload it with the partner regions’ data in order to assess the potentials – independent of administrative boundaries, based on different temporal, spatial, thematic aspects – of the sites,
  • exploit the synergies with the existing systems while developing the Austrian-Hungarian ERRAM model,
  • familiarize the partner regions‘ decision makers and experts in regional development with the possible areas of application, functions and operation of ERRAM; 


Not only the companies are in a competitive situation, but the regions are, as well. They try to gain an advantage with various factors: sometimes with the rich offers of workplaces, nursery schools, or training sites, and sometimes with good transport connections or with a skilled labor supply. So far, such inquiries have been only possible in certain countries. Through cross-border examinations a completely new quality and potential opens for some regions that the „ERRAM Cross Border" EU-project makes possible for the first time.


Lead partner: Regionalverband Industrieviertel – Project management


1. West Pannon Nonprofit Ltd.
2. Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, LAD-Raumordnung (Austria)
3. Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Abteilung Raumordnung und Regionalpolitik (Austria)


Available materials:

Site atlas


Facts and figures

Funding program: Cross-border Cooperation Austria-Hungary 2007-203
Lead partner: Regionalverband Industrieviertel – Project management
Project duration: 1st January 2012 – 31st December 2014
ERDF funding: 598,618 EUR
West Pannon budget: 173,618 EUR