
Educorb extended

This project was successfully finished on 31/12/2014.

Description of the project:

One of the greatest achievements of European integration is the establishment of the framework for European mobility and the free movement of labor force. Although it is now possible to choose a place to live and work due to the elimination of border and customs control and the opening of labor market, as well as the promotion of cross-border economic relations and free trade in the European internal market, „personal boundaries“, however, due to the lack of linguistic and intercultural knowledge among the countries speaking different languages, cannot be broken down via regulations.

In recent years, under the EDUCORB project that was selected by the European Commission’s multilingual website as a good practice, we have achieved significant results in the area of mediation of linguistic and cultural knowledge among Austrian and Hungarian kindergartens and schools. Our task, relying on these successful foundations is to ensure continuous language learning, as well as reach an appropriate level of familiarity of the bordering country’s language and culture.

Our project, through foreign language knowledge as well as the improvement of their level, contributes to the implementation of the intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth strategy of the „Europe 2020“. The Europe 2020 strategy sets ambitious goals for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This growth cannot be achieved without the youth. High-quality education and training, successful labor market integration and the increasing mobility of young people are essential in order to liberate the potential inherent in young people and implement the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.

The objective of the project:

  • Preparing young people living in the Hungarian-Austrian border region for a joint labor market
  • Increasing the competitiveness of young people, supporting professional mobility
  • Supporting personal skills, such as intercultural communication skills and open-mindedness to other cultures
  • Establishing and developing young people‘s European approach
  • Supporting the acquisition of languages in the border region, supporting multilingualism
  • Supporting continuous language teaching from kindergarten to the 8th grade of primary school
  • Supporting sustainable cooperation among Austrian and Hungarian public schools
  • Raising awareness in the border region

Target groups of the project:

  • children of kindergarten age, kindergarten teachers
  • students at primary and secondary school, language teachers
  • young people participating in their first undergraduate program in the Industrieviertel, small- and medium enterprises in the border region
  • institutions for adult education



  1. Regionalverband Industrieviertel - Projektmanagement (Austria)
  2. West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd
  3. Keszthelyi Academics Foundation
  4. Sopron-Fertőd Kistérség Többcélú Társulás
  5. Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Abteilung Kindergärten (Austria)


Educational Cooperation in the Border Region – extended

Funding program: Cross-Border Cooperation, Austria – Hungary, 2007-2013
Total budget of the project: 405,033.91 EUR
Budget of the West Pannon Nonprofit Ltd.: 56,344 EUR
Own funding: 5%
Project duration: 1st September 2012 – 31st December 2014