

Clusters for European Innovation Cross-Linking


Clusters. In many cases, it is not entirely clear even for developing enterprises working in networks and economic development professionals what these semi-formal, long-term, often low-intensity coalitions can be used for. Consequently, they cannot play the key role, the strategic position, which they originally would have the capability of. The ClusteriX project responds to this uncertainty with cooperation that goes beyond national borders and industries, provides critical mass to increase competitiveness and innovation, and is capable of representing the SME’s voices and interests on the highest levels. The project partners are organizations with years of cluster development experience coming from European regions of the greatest cluster traditions. These organizations undertook the assistance of clusters and political systems supporting  clusters through the collection and analysis of the well and not well functioning initiatives, as well as the intensive circulation of knowledge and innovative capabilities in order for the clusters‘ competitive operation to be more efficient and more successful in the long run as well.


Website of the project:

LinkedIn group of the project:



Lead partner: ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria (AT)



Cluster 55°/ Lund University (SE)

TIS Innovation Park (IT)

Region Syddanmark (DK)

ERAI Entreprise Rhône-Alpes International (FR)

Nyugat-Pannon Nonprofit Kft (HU)

Stadt Karlsruhe Wirtschaftsförderung (DE)

INMA Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Masini Si Instalatii Destinate Agriculturii Si Industriei Alimentare (RO)

Tillväxtverket (SE)


Available materials:

Manual of Good Practices (dropbox link(English)

Policy Recommendations (dropbox link(English)

Materials of the ClusteriX Cluster Master CourseGyõr

Western Transdanubian Regional Action Plan (Hungarian)


Facts and figures

Funding program: INTERREG IVC

Lead partner: ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria (AT)

Project duration: 1st January 2012 – 31st December 2014

ERDF funding: 1 687 872,00 EUR

Budget of the West Pannon Ltd.: 153 872,00 EUR