This project was successfully finished on 31/12/2022.
In the cross-border socio-economic space, the language and cultural knowledge constitutes an important part of employability of future young adults in the dynamically changing working life of labour. Scientific, technical and digital competencies have a high priority value in the educational landscape of both countries. Strengthening these competencies is at the heart of the cooperation. The innovative aspect lies in combining language teaching with knowledge transfer, by which learning opportunities will be created which are characterised of a high quality of language knowledge. Furthermore, it is an innovative approach that regional potentials (e.g.museums, enterprises, conservation areas, energy production) will be used as places of learning and as resources of cross-border educational area in order to elaborate educational competences.
By the cross-border elaboration of collecting materials will each project partner bring in their own existing knowledge and educational priorities for the work and they will present proven approaches and concepts to the rest of the partners, by which the new impulses can be used in the whole project region. By this, the project contributes to language-sensitive knowledge transfer which increases the learning outcomes of children and offers new possibilities for pedagogues in the field of language teaching in a regional context. Both experts and students took part in the development, therefore theory and practice will be linked and also educational institutions will be more extensively engaged.
In order to anchor pedagogic innov. in the institutions, in the BIG_inn also management members will be professionalised, and qualification approaches will be elaborated in the field of innovative management for the management and those responsible for quality. For the first time, in the BIG_inn an intellectual capital reporting will be carried out by each PP in order to make visible the created added value in the field of knowledge growth.
Lead Partner:
- Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung (AT)
- Nyugat-Pannon Terület- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (HU)
- Soproni Egyetem Benedek Elek Pedagógiai Kar (HU)
- Bildungsdirektion für Wien – Europa Büro (AT)
- Wiener Kinderfreunde (AT)
- Land Burgenland (AT)
Strategic partners:
- Bildungsdirektion für Niederösterreich (AT)
- Győri Tankerületi Központ (HU)
- Soproni Tankerületi Központ (HU)
- Szombathelyi Tankerületi Központ (HU)
- Nagykanizsai Tankerületi Központ (HU)
- Sárvári Tankerületi Központ (HU)
- Zalaegerszegi Tankerületi Központ (HU)
- Verein EFSZ- Europäisches Fremdsprachenzentrum des Europarates (AT)
- European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe (AT)
Facts and information
Programme: INTERREG V-A Austria-Hungary
Lead Partner: Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung (AT)
Project duration: 01.11.2020 - 31.12.2022
Amount of ERDF co-financing: 2 281 985,15,49 EUR
Total budget of WESTPANNON: 284 895,00 EUR