Short description
Within the 2,5 years of implementation TRANSDANUBE.PEARLS will establish a network of destinations committed to sustainable mobility in tourism– the “Transdanube.Pearls”. Being part of this network will increase the visibility of the participating destinations offering their visitors the unique possibility to travel the Danube with sustainable means of transport.
On the other hand, the network will facilitate the cooperation of stakeholders from the mobility and tourism sector of different levels. Common standards and appropriate organisational structures secure the operation of the network beyond project lifetime.
Trainings provide local and regional stakeholders with the capabilities to further develop sustainable mobility services. The knowledge acquired during the trainings will be enriched by the experiences gained during the development and demonstration of mobility and information services in the project - mobility services that will contribute to overcome gaps and improve quality especially on the last mile getting to the destinations and within the destinations. By better combining public transport and cycling the project will furthermore improve intermodal travel chains which will increase the quality and resilience of the whole transport system.
Additional efforts will be undertaken to improve the access to user-friendly information about existing mobility services. While regional mobility centers will act as one-stop-shops for mobility in the regions, international tourism and mobility information platforms will allow tourists to inform themselves about their possibilities to travel the regions along the Danube without using the private car. Specific sustainable tourism mobility offers will provide attractive packages for visitors preferring to follow a given route.
Leadpartner: Environment Agency Austria (AT)
Project partners:
ERDF PP1: Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm (DE)
ERDF PP2: WGD Danube Upper Austria Tourism Ltd. (AT)
ERDF PP3: Regionalmanagement Burgenland Ltd. (AT)
ERDF PP4: Bratislava Self-Governing Region (SK)
ERDF PP5: Westpannon Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
ERDF PP6: STRDA South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
ERDF PP7: City of Vukovar (HR)
ERDF PP8: Development agency Sinergija (SI)
ERDF PP9: Regional Administration of Vidin Region (BG)
ERDF PP10: Club "Sustainable Development of Civil Society" (CSDCS) (BG)
ERDF PP11: National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism (NIRDT) (RO)
ERDF PP12: The South-East Regional Development Agency (RO)
ERDF PP13: Local Government of Baranya County (HU)
IPA PP1: Danube Competence Center (SRB)
IPA PP2: Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia (SRB)
The expert documents which were provided by Westpannon are available on the project website.
Facts and information
Programme: Danube Transnational Programme (INTERREG DANUBE)
Lead Partner: Environment Agency Austria (AT)
Project Duration:
01/01/2017 – 30/06/2019 (30 months)
Total amount of project: 2,937,908.99 EUR
Total budget of Westpannon Nonprofit Ltd.: 193,930 EUR

Polgár Tibor