Smarter AoE
The area along the Mura, Drava and partly the Danube rivers is called the “Amazon of Europe”, and this term is becoming more widely used amongst locals and outside of the area as well. In September of 2021, the UNESCO declared the area as the first 5-country biosphere reserve. As project partner, we participated in the implementation of the project called “Amazon of Europe Bike Trail”, in which a long-distance bicycle trail with more than 1250 km total length and 27 online bookable daily stages was created, laying down the basis of the “Amazon of Europe” international tourism destination.
The Smarter AoE project focuses on the Amazon of Europe (AoE) area around the Mura-Drava-Danube biosphere reserve, and extends through Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia. The main goal of the project is to establish an international ecosystem of tourism SMEs in the area (and the pilot areas in Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Romania. It aims to boost social, digital and innovation through collaboration, capacity-building and digital transformation. 130 tourism SMEs from 7 countries will benefit from EU financing and a capacity-building programme that will help with the process of digital transformation.
PP1 - Lead Partner: Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials (Slovenia)
PP2: Result d.o.o. (Slovenia)
PP3: Pomurje Technology Park (Slovenia)
PP4: Business Incubator BIOS Osijek (Croatia)
PP5: West-Pannon Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
PP6: Tourism Organization of Vojvodina (Serbia)
PP7: Institute of Strategic Studies and Prognoses (Montenegro)
PP8: Romanian Hotel Industry Federation (Romania)
PP9: Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)
Facts and information:
Programme: COSME
Lead partner: Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials (SI)
Project lifetime: 2022/01/01 – 2024/06/30
Project budget: 1 270 224,80 EUR
Westpannon budget: 92 395,5 EUR

Bolyós Ádám