ICC - IronCurtainCycling
The project was successfully finished.
The geographically, ethnically organic SI-HU CBC region was divided for long by the Iron Curtain enforcing the borderlines set after World War II. Relations faded, municipalities came to a social, economic decline. The CBC region offers great opportunities for bicycle tourism, which might be the breakout point in the rural area. Several projects have already aimed this goal, however a connected and signposted bicycle road network covering the whole region and a complex biker-friendly offer built on this network has not yet been achieved. Realising this, a CBC partnership of 4 Hungarian and 3 Slovenian partners (lead: Zala County Government) will launch the project (in the area of Lenti, Letenye, Õriszentpéter, Szentgotthárd, Murska Sobota, Ptuj, Ormo¾, Ljutomer, Lendava). Our goal is to develop a complex CBC cycling destination through intertwining local, regional cycling routes connecting to EuroVelo13, being the main north-south axis of the region, and through developing cycling friendly services and supplementary tourism supply with the aim to integrate the area into the international system of EuroVelo.
Main activities:
- Signposting the SI-HU section of EV13, the connecting regional bicycle routes and Iron Curtain sites.
- Establishing a cycling connection providing a new border crossing point.
- Improving cycling-friendly services: cycling centres, e-bike chargers, biker-friendly accommodation, joint map and mobile app, thematic routes and tourism packages
- Establishing an Iron Curtain historical site
- Organizing knowledge transfer events; awareness raising (e.g. workshops, „biker-friendly services” and visitor management booklet)
- Events (e.g. ICC Day cycling festival, Green Belt family day, EV13 conference)
- Other promotion (e.g. ICC stamping system, online campaign, branded souvenirs).
Through these activities the project will contribute to the diversification of cross-border tourism supplies and to the development of sustainable, common tourism services.
Lead partner:
- Zala County Government
Project partners in the program area:
- Znanstveno raziskovalni središèe Bistra Ptuj
- Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Murska Sobota
- Vas County Government
- West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd.
- Obèina Lendava
Project partners outside the program area:
Facts and informations:
Programme: Cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary
Lead Partner: Zala County Government
Project duration: 08/15/2017 – 02/14/2020 (30 months)
Total amount of project: 2 291 423 EUR
Total budget of Westpannon: 115 075 EUR
Webpage of the project: http://www.icc.zala.hu/en

Polgár Tibor