The project was successfully finished.
The capCROSSplan project is supported by the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary Cooperation Programme and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
During the implementation of the capCROSSplan project (01.02.2020 – 31.07.2022) stakeholder groups will be established in every partner region including of the relevant organizations in the field of regional development, such as municipalities, development agencies, higher education institutions, NGOs, etc. The capacity of the involved organisations for a strategic planning and programming will be developed by trainings, workshops. A protocol will be signed by the key stakeholders and project partners for capacity building of regional development. A web-based platform for preparing strategic documents will be developed within the project that ensures the sustainability of the project.
Lead partner:
Project partners:
- INSTITUTE PALEMID MARIBOR – Institute for Sustainable Development
- Zala County Government
- West-Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd.
Facts and informations:
Programme: Cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary
Lead Partner: Development agency Sinergija
Project duration: 02/01/2020 – 07/31/2022 (30 months)
Total amount of project: 406 955 EUR
Total budget of Westpannon: 88 680 EUR

Polgár Tibor