The project was succesfully finished.
DANUBE cultural heritage in the cities is rich and diverse, but under pressure (due to the lack of common policies, know-how and resources). All the partners are confronted with the same challenges: how to incorporate and present the archaeological heritage into the contemporary social environment, how to incorporate in the urban parts of the cities, how to integrate preserved remains within buildings and areas of the towns for presentations (example: integration of sustainable mobility), how to provide the sustainable development and how to achieve the economic impact and visibility beyond the local level (cultural tourism).
The project will improve and intensify cooperation among relevant actors in DTP in order to preserve, support and valorize cultural heritage through archaeological parks as products in cities for development of archeotourism. The project paves way for preparation of concrete plans, trainings, tools for preservation and presentation and concreate small pilot actions, for improving effectiveness of heritage sites management in support implementation of new initiatives in tourism (archaeotourism). All results are representative for other Danube regions and relevant for the entire area.
Having said this, the consortium convenes in understanding archaeological parks as a tool by which the local communities can manage, control and protect their heritage resources. Moreover, they are a good to connect the local culture, which represents an important period of human history, with the global culture.
In order for our heritage values to remain preserved and make them accessible to contemporary and future generations, it is imperative to develop and advance an integrated planning concept. The project will provide an understanding of archaeological parks as an integrated concept between archaeological heritage/urban development of the city and cultural tourism.
The project is financed in the framework of the Interreg Danube Transnational Program, supported by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union, co-funded by the Hungarian State.
Project website link
Project facebook:
Lead partner
City Municipality Ptuj (SI) -
Project partners
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (SI) -
First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association (HU)
Nyugat-Pannon Terület- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. (HU)
Academia Romana Filiala Cluj, Institutul de Arheologie si Istoria Artei (RO)
Muzeul National al Unirii Alba Iulia (RO) -
Grad Vodnjan – Dignano (HR) -
Kultur und Arbeit e.V. (DE) -
Българска асоциация за трансфер на технологии и иновации (BG) -
Regionální rozvojová agentura Plzeňského kraje, o.p.s. (CZ) -
Регионален исторически музей – Русе (BG) -
Općina Centar Sarajevo (BA) -
Muzej Srema (SRB) -
Facts and information
Project acronym: ArcheoDanube
Project title: Archaeological Park in urban areas as a tool for Local Sustainable Development
Programme: Interreg Danube
Project Duration: 07/2020 - 12/2022
Total amount of project: 2 021 215 EUR
Total budget of Westpannon: 157 030 EUR

Illés Viktória

Orosz-Tóth Anikó